Currently, SBLUG meets every-other week on Thursday nights @ 7pm.
SBLUG has always held two types of meetings:
The former type of meeting focuses on a particular topic and is led by one or more presenters. For reasons lost in the Sands of Time (or maybe Goleta Beach?), these meetings are referred to as "General Meetings" in SBLUG announcements. We try to have a variety of topics at these meetings, and suggestions for future meetings are eagerly solicited.
In SBLUG-announcement-terminology, the second type of meeting is a "Q&A Session", which hints at one of the key purposes of these meetings -- a forum to ask Free-Software-related questions and/or try to help other people who have such questions. However, it should be apparent from the Q&A session boilerplate announcement that there can also be an element of informal show-and-tell at these meetings. For instance Chad Page is famous for bringing nifty Linux gadgets to Q&A Sessions, some of which later show up again as a topic for a General Meeting.
We hold one or two InstallFests each year, typically on a Saturday afternoon. The next one will probably be in Summer 2010, though there is no set date yet. Anyone who needs installation help during the many months inbetween InstallFests is encouraged to contact SBLUG and schedule a personal InstallFest during one of our Q&A meetings.
SBLUG has participated in the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) since the very first event in 2002. Contact us if you are in the Santa Barbara area and are interested in carpooling and/or a group discount for SCALE.